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- The Crazy Scientist Lab -
The World around us intriguing; Children can gain much joy from experimenting with it and learning about it. These science kits provide children the opportunity to become real researchers for a few hours and to experiment with their own private laboratory.
These science kits come equipped with the necessary equipment and include a clear guide accompanied with photos of the processes as well as fascinating scientific explanations & facts. Parental supervision required.

Young Detectives
Age: 8+
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This Kit focuses on finger prints. Children will experiment with their own fingerprints. They'll learn how to extect fingerprints from various surfaces using different materials. Just like real crime scene investigators they even create a 3D mold of their finger!
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This Kit focuses on finger prints. Children will experiment with their own fingerprints. They'll learn how to extect fingerprints from various surfaces using different materials. Just like real crime scene investigators they even create a 3D mold of their finger!

Water Gel Science
Age: 8+
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This kit focuses on water gels. Children will experiment with the special characterisitics of polymers and how they interact with water and other substances. They'll perform fun "disappearing water" and they'll even get to creatw a unique bracelet made of water gel.
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This kit focuses on water gels. Children will experiment with the special characterisitics of polymers and how they interact with water and other substances. They'll perform fun "disappearing water" and they'll even get to creatw a unique bracelet made of water gel.

Color Laboratory
Age: 4+
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This kitfocuses on colors. Children as young as 4 will experiment in creating an ice ball with colorful tunnels, creating color solutions and transforming and mixing colors, and even painting with colorful ice! Find all these and more in this kit.
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This kitfocuses on colors. Children as young as 4 will experiment in creating an ice ball with colorful tunnels, creating color solutions and transforming and mixing colors, and even painting with colorful ice! Find all these and more in this kit.

Bubbles And Foam
Age: 4+
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This kit that focuses on water, colors, and bubbies, making science accessbile to children as young as 4! Children will create a soap membrane, a foam beehive, learn to hold a bubbles without popping it, create colorful bubbles and even paint with colorful foam. Find all these and more in this kit.
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This kit that focuses on water, colors, and bubbies, making science accessbile to children as young as 4! Children will create a soap membrane, a foam beehive, learn to hold a bubbles without popping it, create colorful bubbles and even paint with colorful foam. Find all these and more in this kit.

Young Survivor
Age: 8+
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Darwin once talked about "Survival of the fittest" so you better be fit to survive! A survival situation is not a game when your life is on the line, but it is SUPER COOL to learn survival techniques: learn how to distill, purigy and generate water from plants, how to light fire without matches, how to build a solar stove, to build a sundial, a compass, learn Morse code, and much more. Over a dozen experiment in this kit.
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Darwin once talked about "Survival of the fittest" so you better be fit to survive! A survival situation is not a game when your life is on the line, but it is SUPER COOL to learn survival techniques: learn how to distill, purigy and generate water from plants, how to light fire without matches, how to build a solar stove, to build a sundial, a compass, learn Morse code, and much more. Over a dozen experiment in this kit.

Magical Mirrors
Age: 6+
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Most people don't think twice about mirrors. However, the magical world of mirrors from a science perspective is quite amazing. Over a dozen experiments that will blow your mind - the "Lnfinite Mirror", the "Disappearing Face", building your own Kaleidoscope to name a few. Looking at mirrors will never feel the same!
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Most people don't think twice about mirrors. However, the magical world of mirrors from a science perspective is quite amazing. Over a dozen experiments that will blow your mind - the "Lnfinite Mirror", the "Disappearing Face", building your own Kaleidoscope to name a few. Looking at mirrors will never feel the same!

Magnetic Wonder
Age: 8+
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Magnets are not only fun but also intriguning from a real scientific perspective. You'll get acquainted with various magnet including the awesomely strong Neodymium magnet, the weirdest of all "Magnetic Putty", you'll get to build a real compass and create electromagnets and much much more. Over a dozen exciting experiments inside. Beware, you're about to get magnetized to this kit!
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Magnets are not only fun but also intriguning from a real scientific perspective. You'll get acquainted with various magnet including the awesomely strong Neodymium magnet, the weirdest of all "Magnetic Putty", you'll get to build a real compass and create electromagnets and much much more. Over a dozen exciting experiments inside. Beware, you're about to get magnetized to this kit!

Optical Illusions
Age: 6+
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When looking at the world around us, our eyes collect information that our brain interorets. But are we really seeing reality as it is? To put it simply: Seeing is (not always) believing! In this kit we will explore different types of fascinating optical illusions. Over a dozen amazing experiments inside.
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When looking at the world around us, our eyes collect information that our brain interorets. But are we really seeing reality as it is? To put it simply: Seeing is (not always) believing! In this kit we will explore different types of fascinating optical illusions. Over a dozen amazing experiments inside.

Glowing Science
Age: 8+
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Glowing Science is a fascinating kit. Now more than ever - loaded with
materials and 18 experiments - guaranteeing hours of FUN, STEM play and learn! Kids will create Glowing Water Gel Beads, Fluorescent Flowers,
Glowing Soap Bubbles, Light Printing, Mobiles and much more!
Get ready to be addicted to this Crazy Scientist kit.
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Glowing Science is a fascinating kit. Now more than ever - loaded with
materials and 18 experiments - guaranteeing hours of FUN, STEM play and learn! Kids will create Glowing Water Gel Beads, Fluorescent Flowers,
Glowing Soap Bubbles, Light Printing, Mobiles and much more!
Get ready to be addicted to this Crazy Scientist kit.

Crystal Craze
Age: 10+
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Learn all you need to know on how to grow different types of funky homemade crystals. In one of our most comprehensive Crazy Scientist
LAB kits ever, covering 18 experiments, kids will be working with exciting materials like Copper Sulphate, Alum, Epsom salt & saline solutions,
to create hands on real Crystals. How exciting is that!
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Learn all you need to know on how to grow different types of funky homemade crystals. In one of our most comprehensive Crazy Scientist
LAB kits ever, covering 18 experiments, kids will be working with exciting materials like Copper Sulphate, Alum, Epsom salt & saline solutions,
to create hands on real Crystals. How exciting is that!

Hydrophobic Sand
Age: 6+
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It looks like ordinary sea sand and it feels like ordinary sand - but it is anything but ordinary!!!
In this kit we explore the fascinating scietific qualities of hydrophobic sand and it's uses.
We will compare it with regular sand and witness the amazing differences. Does it really stay dry when taken out from water?! How does it assist us in prevention of natural disasters?
In a series of compelling experiments we will learn all there is to learn about the fascinating hydrophobic Sand.
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It looks like ordinary sea sand and it feels like ordinary sand - but it is anything but ordinary!!!
In this kit we explore the fascinating scietific qualities of hydrophobic sand and it's uses.
We will compare it with regular sand and witness the amazing differences. Does it really stay dry when taken out from water?! How does it assist us in prevention of natural disasters?
In a series of compelling experiments we will learn all there is to learn about the fascinating hydrophobic Sand.

Static Electricity
Age: 8+
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Where is "Static Electricity"?
It seems that many people are aware of the concept but don't really know how to scientifically explain it. This kit contains amazing Static Electricity tricks and experiments! Using Static Electricity, kids will separate salt and pepper grains, stick a balloon to the wall, build flying saucers and an electroscope, make Styrofoam balls dance and many more exciting experiments.
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Where is "Static Electricity"?
It seems that many people are aware of the concept but don't really know how to scientifically explain it. This kit contains amazing Static Electricity tricks and experiments! Using Static Electricity, kids will separate salt and pepper grains, stick a balloon to the wall, build flying saucers and an electroscope, make Styrofoam balls dance and many more exciting experiments.
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